birmingham city council中文什么意思

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  1. Birmingham city council ' s alan rudge said he intended to stamp out the practice of workers getting bloated pay packets
  2. Birmingham city council s alan rudge said he intended to stamp out the practice of workers getting bloated pay packets . " this is a throwback to employment practice which is outdated and we cannot just stand still , " he added in a statement
    拉奇在一份声明中补充说: “这种不正常的现象完全应该归因于早已跟不上时代潮流的现行就业体制,而我们对此绝不能视而不见。 ”
  3. Birmingham city council ' s alan rudge said he intended to stamp out the practice of workers getting bloated pay packets . " this is a throwback to employment practice which is outdated and we cannot just stand still , " he added in a statement
    拉奇在一份声明中补充说: “这种不正常的现象完全应该归因于早已跟不上时代潮流的现行就业体制,而我们对此绝不能视而不见。 ”
  4. A furious row has erupted over the news that a council street and traffic lights engineer received 91 , 000 pounds for 2005 2006 including overtime bonuses - even though he was off sick . the average pay in britain is about 23 , 000 pounds a year . birmingham city council ' s alan rudge said he intended to stamp out the practice of workers getting bloated pay packets
    伯明翰市媒体最近披露的一则消息在该市社会各界引起了激烈的争论,受雇于伯明翰市议会的一名专门负责路灯及交通信号灯维护工作的技师在2005到2006财政年度内的收入总额达到了9 . 1万镑,更让大家感到离谱的是,即使此人因病没来上班却也能照样拿到加班补贴。


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